North Coast Drying Consultants, Inc.

Fee Schedule



Standard North American Fee Schedule:


  • Service is $1000.00 per day plus T & L for 4 to 10 in plant hours.
  • Half days, up to 4 in plant hours, are charged at $500.00 plus T & L.
  • Travel days are charged at $500.00 per day plus T & L.
  • Trip report writing time is charged at $90.00 per hour.
  • In office engineering time is charged at $125.00 per hour. 



Fee Schedule Notes:


  •  Effective January 1, 2008 for all new consulting purchases.
  • T & L (Travel and Living) is charged at actual cost and all scheduled work requires a down payment equal to 120% of the estimated T & L costs for the trip.
  • All dollar amounts are in US currency.
  • Customer is responsible for paying all taxes.